Paracetamol vs ibuprofen: Is there a difference?
Paracetamol(acetaminophen) and ibuprofen are two of the most commonly used over-the-counter medicines to treat pain and fever due to their ...
Everything you need to know about COVID vaccine booster
Fully Covid-19 vaccinated people are relatively safe from severe illness and death from COVID-19. Even highly efficient vaccines, however, might ...
Oral Pills As Contraception – Myths & Facts
Oral contraceptives (the pill) are hormonal contraception medications that women take regularly. They contain either hormones (progestogen and estrogen) or ...
Where to find free Naloxone kits, should you carry one?
Opioids, like OxyContin or heroin, bind to specific receptors in the brain, spinal cord, and gastrointestinal tract. That process minimizes ...
Blister Packaging in Toronto
Blister packaging is the most effective way to safely and securely house a single dosage of medication. It's a container ...
Covid-19 mutations and our best survival option
Covid-19 has been mutating at a rapid pace, with new variants being discovered all the time. Not all of them ...
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